
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I could blame not posting lately on the fact that my computer has no more memory so therefore I am uninspired without the ability to upload pictures etc. Or I could admit that I just haven't given myself enough time to actually think and write... It's actually kind of nice just waiting at the apple store waiting for my hard drive to be erased so I can sit back and think about the day.

It's funny how in the moment somethings seem tedious but when you think about them later you pick out all the good parts... Well I guess there were a lot of good parts today despite all the waiting around. I got up at 5:00 am to get ready for the Hawaii 5-0 shooting. As soon as I get my bike out I realize I have a flat and attempt to change it in the dark only to realize that the valve is too short! Good thing my friend came along just in the nick of time to use his super fast tire-changing skills to save the day! Although we were told to wear what we wear to races, my sport-friendly bikini didn't quite cut it so they gave me a jersey to wear ( really cute, I wish I could keep it!). Riding out to the "race" we saw Alex O'Loughlin in a restored older Land Rover. He probably looked and smiled at at least three of us girls because we were all talking about it for a while... Race simulation was funny because fast guys were in the middle or the back and we cruised around the block several time at probably 5mph. It was pretty cool to see the actors run through the pack though. We had quite a few breaks and they had great snacks, fruit and energy bars. I was pretty impressed by how much they take care of us considering past experiences with filming or shooting. As I grabbed some of my home-made protein balls, Alex O. comes up to me and starts asking about us triathletes etc. that was pretty cool! I didn't realize he was an Aussie! Very cool guy. More scenes and takes and stunts and lunch. Overall it was a pretty good day, meeting other triathletes and getting paid to hang out! After I threw a mini-fit over the fact that we had to stay in the dungeon rather than go home or film with the other bikers, they let us go home... or rather to Starbucks and get my green tea latte one of the crew members stole. Finally just got to chill on the beach and swim at sunset. Rough life!

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