Wrapping up the racing season
I finally cleared out my emails which included reading all my active.com articles I have been waiting to read. There was one article that talked about wrapping up my race season, in particular evaluating it, so here I go...
1. The best parts of the season were:
- doing more cycling events, meeting people and pushing myself (castle to hanauma in the wind, tantalus in the rain!)
- winning the Na Wahine triathlon!!! First win ever!!!
- training with Cambio and getting faster (getting my but kicked but kept on pushing!)
- attempting to run track and getting a little faster, improving some fast twitch muscles
2. The Greatest disappointments of my season
- Still lacking good training partners (especially girls)
- I think I could have trained harder and better- specifically targeting swimming and running more
3. If I could change anything about this season I would have
- been more motivated to train, train harder and faster
-eat more greens
4. What I want to accomplish next season
- I want to beat my times
-Do more core workouts
-Get some fast wheels
-Place well in a sprint, olympic and possibly half iron man
-kick butt in Dick Evans and do the Waikiki Rough water the next day (north shore swim series as well?)
- Find awesome people to train with
-minimize injuries and headaches
-surf and dive more?
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