
Saturday, November 13, 2010

The day began with two ripe bananas at 6:30am on a 30 foot sailboat in Waianae boat harbor. Mind you, although I'm quite an accurate being, my accuracy in guessing measurements and distances is not so good. First off, it is a well-known fact that if you bring bananas or women on a boat it is bad luck, but since feminism reins, it is only bad luck if you bring bananas. Of course as an educated person I knew that bananas are "bad luck" but as a scientist I wanted to test that theory and as a non-believer of superstition I wanted to test God a little or at least let him show off... so we left the harbor with minor rope/line problems, which were blamed on the bananas and off to sea we went!

The ocean was calm, clear and beautiful and the sun was already harsh by 7:30. We had a hard time finding a buoy to tie off to and a couple of the guys (and a girl) decided to hang on to the rope hanging off the back of the boat to find the buoy. We finally found it but were not not in the prime diving spot. The reef was a barren wasteland but after swimming for a while, armed for the first time with my very own borrowed speargun we found some shelves with drops of about 50 feet. Equalizing was a little difficult since I haven't dove in several months and besides that down to 50 feet. I had the first catch of the day, a shot through the eyes of a menpachi of about half a foot (sounds bigger than 6 inches). Must be due to the good luck of my banana! One of the guys helped kill the fish for me and quickly setup my speargun since I hadn't yet gotten the hang of it. After several more drops, shots and getting the hang of getting my gun set up solo, I shot a Roy that was a little over a foot long. Back to the boat to hang out with the girls while the guys caught dinner.

When the guys got back we chased a pod of dolphins and actually got to swim about an arm's length from them. It was incredible! We were almost in the deep blue, about 80-100 feet deep in crystal clear water swimming with spinner dolphins! Incredible day with incredible people! Photos to come...

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