
Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sunday Morning...

I just had the most amazing Sunday.
I was walking down the road, thinking to myself that since I can't find a church that I might as well kind of start something myself. So... I have to remember to talk to Tori about it mañana.
Super stoked about that.

I was really sad though, this morning as I was getting ready to go out, I heard sirens. I didn't think anything of it until later, when I was walking dow the street. There was a migro flipped over on it's side (migro=bus), and two cars that were pretty beaten up. I took some pictures with my film camera and an old man came up to me and asked me what happened. He thought I was with the diario. I didn't tell him I wasn't, so he kept talking to me really fast in Spanish. I ended up asking a lady what had happened. I guess the migro hit the cars somehow and three students died. I'm not sure if the driver did as well. It was really sad. There was a girl on the side of the rode by her car crying. Què terrible.

On a lighter note... The day was beautiful and perfect for pictures. Chris and I went to Valparaìso to take photos. It was so much fun. Beautiful street art. We also went to this tiny cafè named cafè color. Ah, amazing hot chocolate. So many different kinds. Of course I got the classic chololate caliente, so nice and thick, you don't know if it's hot chocolate with milk, or a little milk with hot chocolate. Ah. So beautiful... Can't wait to develop my photos. The only problem is the roll of film keeps going and going and going... shoot.

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