
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Las Adventuras Nuevas de la Charisa!!!

Ok, Charisa (pronounced como karisa since everyone seems to have such a hard time with it) means Grace en greco. Ok? Ok.

So... mi madre used to call me "Graceful." I think she cursed me from the beginning. She had to think 8 extra days what she would name me... so I could be a clutz! Ah! Don't get me wrong, I love my name, even though it is not your normal name... And... That's why I like it;)

Ok, anyway, So... While I was on the phone with Mr. S.S., I rested my leg on a shelf...estante en español... which fell (se cayò), se rompiò, se rompiò un cigarrette ash tray de Barcelona, y decapitated a sailor (decapitò un marinaro). Next clutzy thing... I went to go fix them. And with what? Super glue!!! The super glue was glued tight. (I think they should start making one time use super glue. They're wasting glue and container making trees!!!) So what do I do??? I pry it open. (Charisa's so smart!!!) And then what happens??? I get glue all over my hand, my pants and the floor. None whatsoever on the sailor's decapatated head. So... despite my overuse of the spanish language, I start speaking french! Does that count as speaking in toungues??? Haha. I just had to sound like the sailor to make up for his inability to speak wile his brain was disconnected from his cuerpo. I forgot what the other clutzy things I did today because I just got so engrossed in my story. So... I'll save the rest for next time. Just thought I'd let you know. Hopefully entretenar te un poquito. Ya po. Besos. Hasta lavista. BEBE.

1 comment:

Bossa said...

un gusto conocerla señorita "k" risa , que vendria a ser algo asi como "k" - smile. ja.