
Saturday, September 02, 2006

No Time To Sleep...

Ay, Dios mio, I'm so tired!!!
Wake up early, stay out late.
I'm living like it's the last days of la Charisa.
It's so funny when people here refer to someone as "la person" or "el person"
It's like the Charisa or the Ricardo or something.

Already went to one party today...
La cumpleaños de Tata... my grandpa here...
It's really interesting, being part of a family that I've never known.
It's kind of difficult really, I mean the language alone is hard enough to understand.
And there's the inside jokes...
I was really bothered by one of the comments I got from my "Uncle," He assumes that all americans are rich and can do whatever here. He doesn't understand that it was expensive enough to get here and attend school... I can't just buy plane tickets to anywhere I want to go whenever I want. Anyway...

It was cute being with everyone. They're all so different! I mean being with them all explains a lot about why my family is like the wasy they are. The culture is so different here! I mean family is very important, but the man is like all powerful, and the kids even more so. It's like there's no discipline here! Yesterday when me and el Charlie went out to eat Mexican food, this kid on the table next to us dropped a dish of guacamole. He just looked at it and his mom was like- just leave it. I was so suprised. My mom would have been like- You better clean that up! So... Charlie cleaned up the broken dishes and all the nice green stuff on the floor. Everyone looked suprised. So weird.

Oh so while I'm on the topic of the Mexican Restaurant... Why did we go there? Duh, cause we were hungry... But why did Charlie treat me to lunch? Because some Puta Gypsy detroyed my money... supposedly... Haha. We were walking down the beach walk and some lady comes up to us and ask us where the hospital was because she was like pregnant or somethng. I mean she kind of looked like it because she was kind of fat. I don`t know. She wanted to bless us, but I wanted to go. Charlie wanted to stay and talk with her. Practice his español or something I guess. So what do I do? I sat down with the other ugly lady. Anyway, she like told me my "fortune" which I don't even believe in, and showed me her money. I was so confused. So I first took out a coin and then a bill, which I thought there was only one... but it was two. damn it. She ended up like grabbing it from me. I got mad so she gave me one back. I was like where's my other one?! Charlie came over and we mad a big scene, and then she took out a bone and holy water or something and started rubbing the money together with them. I was super mad by this time, and was really confused, and wished that I had dragged Charlie away like my gut originally told me. But... they got away with my $10, and we later learned that they hadn't destroyed it, they destroyed another paper. Chucha. Why the hell am I so gullible? I thought only stupid tourists got robbed. I guess it doesn't really take much to be stupid. Oh well. That's the spice of life I guess. I almost thought they took my phone too, but when I found it, I was like the happiest person in the world!!! Ah!!! So much for that experience. Hopefully I got my share of bad luck (besides the men), and I'll be covered for the rest of the time.

So... Two more parties to go, I think a stop light party and another birthday party at some Mexican guy's house. Please please please God, don't give me any more weirdos tonight!!! I'm so fed up with strange guys hitting on me!!! I don't even care if they're good looking! I told Chandi that I have built up an anymosity towards chilean... what was that word I used? It was something really good. I'll use scumballs for now though. The word keeps evolving. Dooshbags, scumbags, scumballs, sleeze bags... Sleezeballs! I think that could be close. Yes. So not into that. So what do I do? Um... haha, drink a pisco, dance, get over it, catch a migro, fall asleep on it, and get waken up by the bus driver at my stop, catch a collectivo, walk up my hill, climb the stairs and finally, crash in my lovely bed. Wonderful. You would think this happened late at night, especially since the party doesn't start till midnight here, but by time I fell asleep, it was only 1:30 or 2am. Ahhh...

These are the best days of our lives...
Planning a trip to Machu Picchu... It's going to be rad. I wish we had a video camera to document it. I wish there was somewhere to snowboard up there! Dream... dream dream dream dream dream... Sorry, that's a song. And that's like all it says. Yeah. Good stuff. Ok then, I think I'm going to go take a 15 minute nap before I go party my butt off. Yay!

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