
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 15: Partners in Crime+ a teacher

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 14: Hula girls

Right next to our photography class there was a little hula studio. Inside were older girls dancing while an old lady played an ukulele and sang, outside were the little keiki learning a more traditional style of hula, probably referred to as Kahiko hula. These little girls reminded me a little of myself dancing hula when I was a little girl. I believe my first dancing experience was ballet and I loved it, especially putting on the lipstick and wearing a tutu and performing with the other little girls. One day my grandpa asked me why I don't dance hula so I quit ballet and tried hula for a bit because I loved my grandpa so much. We ended up moving to the mainland shortly afterward so I gave up my dancing career and began rollerblading (to become the next Kristy Yamaguchi) and riding bikes down hills (maybe future xterra?).

Day 13:

Ok, I have to admit, I suck. I took no pictures today, just worked all day... went to Costco, ran and went to the late Iron Man show. Not even a week into it and I missed a day! Oh well, something will be posted this afternoon...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 9: My Ride

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 11: Lighting and Portraits Workshop

Today was my first time working with artificial/studio lighting. It was quite an experience. It's amazing what kind of results you can get from just a few lights. Well, a few very expensive lights... I think it's very cool that our instructor, Tracy Wright Corvo talked about DIY photographers who took amazing pictures because they didn't have money for crazy setups (like me). She herself started out not being able to afford these setups but I guess her persistence paid off because she has some pretty freaking amazing pictures. She showed one taken with only florescent lighting and I actually really liked that one, just the composition and contrast were amazing. More pictures to come from the workshop, I just need to go through them all!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 10: Babel

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 9: Super Gecko

So I was homeless for a day yesterday, due to fumigating the house, which was interesting. Thank God for mom's car and friend's houses... When I got back today I turned on the faucet in the shower and from somewhere, I don't know if it was the faucet or the drain or what, something was thrashing and it was this little gecko here. I put him somewhere safe for a few minutes and when I came back he was still hanging out. So I put him outside and he just wanted to chill on my arm. After I finally got him onto a wall I realized he could be my photo of the day! So he waited for me, I took a few shots and when I was done he left. What a sweetheart! So this guy must be super-gecko surviving all the poison and only suffering from a slight case of molting... I hope he makes it!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 8: Fruit Salsa

Our amazing fruit salsa in addition to our mahi fish tacos with guacamole and purple cabbage. What a great night. Topped it off with mint and chocolate ice cream and the movie Push with cherries on top.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 7: One of my favorites: Wendy

It was said that Wendy was not photogenic but for some reason (whether it be the makeup or the camera that gave her an extra boost of confidence) so many of her pictures came out spectacular! She had a love for music and the ocean so we incorporated the two. By chance there were burlap bags on the beach to prevent the erosion of the coast. These bags definitely gave the shoot some texture even though they weren't the most comfortable to lie on!

Monday, May 17, 2010

This dressing was surprisingly good and refreshing. I measured the rice vinegar first and expected no good thing to come from it but when everything was put together it was heavenly! I used it with a salad of greens, apples, celery, hemp seed and avocado. The second time I made this I made a salad with blackened ahi on the side. That was what you call a perfect match...


1/4c. rice vinegar

1.5 t. shoyu

1/2 t. dijon mustard

1 t. garlic minced

1 t. ginger minced/grated

pinch red peppers

1/3 c. vegetable oil

Whisk well, makes about one cup of dressing.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 6: Salad Prep

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 5: Angel in disguise

Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 4: Night

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 3: Maunalani Ball

Def. Maunalani
1. A street in honolulu
2. A bachelor pad located there

Def. Maunalani Ball:
1. A game played by two teams of usually five players each on a rectangular court having a raised goal at each end, points being scored by tossing the ball through the opponent's goal. Differs from basketball in freedom to not wear shoes, block with the hands and arms, and tackle, and is not constrained within the limits of the court. In this game there are no fouls or substitute players.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 2:

Today somewhat marks the first day of summer. My last two finals are done after being back to back. My brain was fried so Joe took me out to acai bowls and Cromwells for some detox. In this picture you can see Joe shading himself from the soon to be very hot summer sun.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

365 Day Photo Challenge: Day 1

For my first day of the challenge, Tuesday May 11 2010, I decided to document my biking group, Cambiamento d'anturo on their group ride race simulation day. It's a pretty intense ride and this is my favorite photo of the day. Featured is rider and king of the hills is Burt.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Maple Cinnamon Buckwheat Crispies

2c. Buckwheat Groats, soaked for at least 1 hr. (will yield about 3.5 c.)
3/4 c. maple syrup
1.5 t. vanilla extract
1 t. ground cinnamon (can replace with 2 T. cocoa powder for cocoa crispies)
2 t. salt

Rinse buckwheat with water to get rid of the starchiness.

Place all ingredients in food processor till well combined and not totally pureed.

Thinly spread (~1/4 in.) mixture onto teflex trays or parchment paper and dehydrate at 115 degrees F till top is dry (8-12 hrs), peel of teflex or paper and flip over crispies. Dehydrate for a few more hours till dry and crunchy. Break into pieces and store in the fridge. Will keep for a few weeks (mine only last for a few days!).