
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Raw Food Prep Day!

Man, today was a pretty productive day, I ran around everywhere to get fresh foods as cheap as possible and organic as possible. I went to the farmers market at KCC, Down to Earth, and Safeway as well as a local market place by my house. After shopping I got home and made raw "donut holes," which were super yummy, I prepped some spicy pepitas (super spicy!), made some almond milk for the first time (amazing!) and prepped some "garlic bread" for dinner tomorrow to go with the raw lasagna I'm going to make. After all this and forgetting to eat lunch, it's 7pm and I'm really tired but I'm going to go to a friend's house and learn about the Chamorro people and then go to Jimmy Buffets to watch my friend's band play on her birthday. If only I could be everywhere at once, I'd go to Kailua and watch my other friend at open mic night at Morning Brew Café!

Donut Holes
1 3/4 c. almonds
1/2 t. sea salt
1 vanilla bean, scraped
2 c. dried pineapple
2 c. pitted dates
1/3 + 1/4 c. shredded coconut

Food processor: process almonds salt and vanilla till consistency of fine powder. Add pineapple and dates till mixed well. Mix in 1/3 c. coconut. Roll into balls then roll in coconut. Refrigerate (~1 week) Notes: I only used half the pineapple and dates because I'm poor and they turned out really good!

Almond Milk
1c. almonds, soaked 4-6 hours
4c. water
2T. extra virgin coconut oil
1/4c. agave
1t. vanilla
1 pinch salt

Blend in high speed blender for one minute. Strain through a paint straining bag (available at hardware stores). Store in refrigerator for ~2 days. Notes: I can't believe how good this milk was, too bad it doesn't last longer!!! Better and cheaper then soy milk!

Spicy pepita recipe and Garlicky bread recipes to come if they are good!


Barbara said...

These are awesomely tasty! Especially when you pop 'em in your mouth whole, then enjoy chewing them slowly as you realize they are not actually donut holes!

Thanks for sharing them, Charisa! :P

Di said...

Ooh! Thanks for coming to my Chamorro party! I'm so glad you posted the recipe for almond milk! We need to make almond milkshakes SOON.

Jeri said...

Recipe is a total must for me to try. I love the "poor" part. You are so funny as well as a great foodie.

Love, Aunty Jeri

Jeri said...

Recipe is a total must for me to try. I love the "poor" part. You are so funny as well as a great foodie.

Love, Aunty Jeri

Let them ride... said...

Aunty Jeri, did you get to try making them?

Jeri said...

Yes I did and they came out AWESOME! They were simple to do. BTW thanks again for listing Ani's book. I got her dessert book and am totally enjoying it.

God Bless. Keep sharing it's such a blessing. You're such a blessing.

Aunty Jeri