
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Running Shoot


I am thankful for:
1. Enough gas to get to the station last night
2. Having to get a new starter not a new compressor
3. Finding the leak and getting it fixed for free
4. My 24-7mm lens
5. Not having a day off in a long time because I get to do what I love
6. Getting a parking space at Ala Moana
7. Not having to ride my bike in the rain
8. My debit card being approved for a Vietnamese sandwich
9. Caffeine (grande black iced tea no water sweetened)
10. God always providing :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pipe Champ Kieren Perrow

Holiday Food

Apple Cider

Raw Cheese cake styled by Anna

Hair inspiration

Street style

My style

Friday, December 09, 2011

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Pipe masters day 1

Epic day on the North Shore with Amber. Late nights and early mornings so worth it to score some killer parking and spend a beautiful day on the north shore. There were some epic barrels today including one perfect score of a 10 by John John Florence. I remember when he was just a kid! Man, I'm getting old! There were some killer wipe outs today too! Some fun recaps posted on you tube. Thanks to Hurley for letting me use your baño! Love love love. Can't wait to be on the north shore again!

Harmonicas and boots at the surfer bar


Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Site updating

Omg I swear I've been working on my site for like 4 hours. I know that's probably not a lot for many but for me? Wow. It's funny, I think I'm finally figuring it out although I'm sure someone could have done the same thing in an hours time. But hey, I'm a self -sufficient independent woman! So I'm going to try to post something on my blog almost every day, let's say about 5x/week hopefully! I need to figure out how to blog from my iPhone, it'd make everything so much easier! Anyway, g'nite! Love love love

check it out:
please feel free to give me feed back on any techie things etc ;)