
Monday, October 23, 2006

Surfing in Chile

Me and the guys
Juan surfing
Michel, Hugo, Mateo
Trajes de surf

Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Half-Way Mark

I was having a conversation with my mom, who told me about her conversation with Totoro (my dog), which sounded like the same conversation I had with my self... about the half way mark. I've been here for two and a half months. I've done so much, seen so many things, met so many people, learned so many things... My accent sounds more Chilean I suppose, meaning my pronounciation has probably gotten a little worse... or a little better, depending on who you ask. You know, D's aren't really pronounced, the endings of some words disappear... like gracias is pronounced like gracia. That kind of stuff. I am sad though to think that I have a limited amount of time to explore, go to Buenos Aires and Iguazu (the biggest falls in the world), San Pedro de Atacama (huge desert...), Pichilemu (longest left wave in the... world?), Patagonia, and of course, revisit La Serena to surf, Santiago to go to Pablo Neruda's house, and who knows what else.

Today was amazing. After pouring rain yesterday, it was so clear and blue today. Perfect. I woke up and expected gray, but all I saw was beautiful. So... Thomas, Ian, Susan, Will... and... ugh,why can I not remember the other two's names??? Anyway, we went to La Isla Negra to visit Pablo Neruda's house. Beautiful drive, an hour south, we passed trees and vinyards... I just wanted to get off the bus to lay under a tree. But I'm glad I didn't because then I wouldn't have seen Quisco, with the cactus in the middle of the ocean, big beach, and beautiful waves, and I would have missed out on Pablo Neruda's house. His house was amazing. Creative, Imaginative, and everything had some significance.

Si bebes el vino o el agua en una copa de color
Tienen un mejor savor

Pablo Neruda.

Everything was so beautiful, he had things from all over the world, what are they called, the statues carved out of wood that are on the front of the ship??? Anyway, from the way the house was done you could tell that he loved sailing, traveling, and the ocean. It seemed like a fairytale, like he wanted to make you feel like you had been where he had been, in his travels and in his mind.

So after riding in micros and buses, eating apple pie and empanadas, sitting on the beach and walking through a dreamland, I am once again sitting at the computer, drinking green tea, and ready to go to bed. Mmm, sleep...